Swedish Nutrition Team

The Swedish nutrition team seeks to bring you expert advice and tips on how to fill your plate with the right nutrients to fuel your body in the healthiest way possible.

  • Raising your child on a vegan diet

    Raising your child on a vegan diet

    Is a vegan diet right for your children? A nutrition expert at Swedish shares tips to help make plant-based eating a positive experience for the entire family.

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  • Going vegan without going crazy

    Going vegan without going crazy

    Going vegan? A registered dietitian at Swedish answers common questions and explains the benefits and risks of removing animal products from your diet.

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  • The connection between food and diabetes

    The connection between food and diabetes

    Your food choices over time can impact your risk for Type 2 diabetes. A Swedish expert explains the connection between food and diabetes.

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  • For more healthful holiday eating, awareness is key

    For more healthful holiday eating, awareness is key

    We know making good food and drink choices at holiday meals and events takes work. But you can still enjoy the season without totally blowing your diet.

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  • This summer, reduce your sodium intake with small changes

    This summer, reduce your sodium intake with small changes

    Making small changes to your food choices and cooking habits can make a big difference in your health.

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  • Fueling the future with small changes and a sustainable focus

    Fueling the future with small changes and a sustainable focus

    For National Nutrition Month, we’re sharing tips for making small changes, nutrition trends, and ways to help your health and the Earth at the same time.

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  • 5 ways to maintain a healthy mindset about holiday food

    5 ways to maintain a healthy mindset about holiday food

    Concerned about eating healthfully during the holiday season? Here are our five ways to maintain a healthy mindset that allows you to enjoy holiday food.

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  • Reduce your weight to increase your health

    Reduce your weight to increase your health

    A weight-loss expert from Swedish answers common questions about surgical and non-surgical weight loss programs and the health benefits of losing weight.

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  • National Nutrition Month: Celebrate a world of flavors

    National Nutrition Month: Celebrate a world of flavors

    A Swedish dietitian breaks down this year’s National Nutrition Month theme and shares ways to add new foods and flavors to our plates. Learn more.

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  • Recipe: Fall Harvest Salad

    Recipe: Fall Harvest Salad

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  • Nutrition is your secret weapon for good gut health

    Nutrition is your secret weapon for good gut health

    Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, some of which help improve your physical and mental health. Learn more about how to keep your gut health in balance.

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  • New nutrition facts labels: What you should know

    New nutrition facts labels: What you should know

    Eating a balanced diet just got easier with the help of the newly updated Nutrition Facts label. Find out how these changes are relevant to your diet and nutrition.

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  • Winter recipe: Coconut curry recipe

    Winter recipe: Coconut curry recipe

    With this cold and rainy weather, this coconut curry will bring comfort with mouth-bursting creamy flavors

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  • Diet series: Intermittent fasting

    Diet series: Intermittent fasting

    Intermittent fasting alternates between periods of eating and fasting during pre-determined times for better health and wellness. Learn more.

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  • Diet series - Comparing Keto and Buddha diets

    Diet series - Comparing Keto and Buddha diets

    Learn more about the Keto diet and the Buddha diet and whether they can help you lose weight while becoming more mindful of what you eat.

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  • Five tips for holiday eating

    Five tips for holiday eating

    Learn five ways you can maintain healthy eating habits throughout the holiday season.

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  • Cold fighting super foods

    Cold fighting super foods

    Prepare for cold season by eating six foods that boost your body’s immune system and prevent coughs and colds.

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  • Diet series: Comparing low-carb diets Paleo vs. Whole 30

    Diet series: Comparing low-carb diets Paleo vs. Whole 30

    Understanding all the diet plan options available can be overwhelming. Learn more about these two low-carb diets.

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  • The benefits of a colorful plate and how to construct one

    The benefits of a colorful plate and how to construct one

    Eating a variety of colorful foods can provide a balance of essential nutrients, save you money and even help the environment. Learn about the benefits of a colorful plate.

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  • Recharge your body with electrolytes (from food!) this winter

    Recharge your body with electrolytes (from food!) this winter

    If health-related New Year’s resolutions have prompted you to spend additional time at the gym this month, you might find yourself sweating more than usual — leading to the loss of valuable electrolyt

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