Primary Care
Expert opinions and insights on methods to ensure you and your little ones grow up healthy and strong
Say no to norovirus. Good hygiene can help you avoid this contagious bug.
Norovirus can make you and your family extremely ill. Infection rates are ticking up. A Providence Swedish expert has guidance to help you stay healthy.
Protect your family from RSV, because it isn't just a cold
A Swedish pediatrics expert offers advice on symptoms and treatment. Watch the short video to learn more.
Close out 2024 by taking stock of your health and wellness
The end of the year is a great time to look at your physical and emotional health, and plan healthier habits for the new year. Use our handy list to stay on track in 2025.
Younger adults are getting colon cancer. Screening is key to prevention.
Colon cancer rates are rising among younger adults. Find out when and why you need to get a colon cancer screening and schedule a colonoscopy.
The right place for the right treatment: emergency department, urgent care, or primary care?
Do you know where to go when you or a loved one need medical care? Here's some helpful guidance.
Is it strep throat or a sore throat?
Know the symptoms to know the difference. Watch the short video to learn more from a Providence Swedish pediatrics expert.
Know the facts about diabetes and live your best life
Busting some common myths can help you understand the condition and how it's managed.
Ok, boomer. Let’s talk about healthy eating.
Baby boomers face many health challenges as they grow older. Learn how exercise and good nutrition can help from an expert at Swedish.
Minimize your risk of foodborne illness by recognizing symptoms and practicing safe food handling
Guidance from a Providence Swedish expert to help you avoid food contamination and keep your family healthy.
Flu season is here. Protect yourself and your family.
Getting vaccinated is your best defense against the flu. A Providence Swedish primary care expert has advice to help you stay healthy. Watch the short video and learn more.
Asegúrese de que su botiquín de primeros auxilios contenga más que vendas y bacitracina
Un botiquín de emergencia bien provisto puede ayudarlo a tratar lesiones menores o brindar atención inmediata hasta que llegue ayuda profesional.
Make sure your first aid kit is more than bandages and bacitracin
A well-supplied emergency kit can help you treat minor injuries or provide immediate care until professional help arrives.
Los casos de tos ferina están alcanzando niveles históricos desde la pandemia
La vacunación es la mejor manera de protegerse y proteger a su familia, así que procure que todos los miembros de su familia estén vacunados.
Las vacunas no son solo para niños. Proteja su salud a cualquier edad.
Su equipo de atención médica puede ayudarlo a decidir qué vacunas son adecuadas para usted y cuándo ponérselas.
Whooping cough is making a comeback. Here’s what you should know.
Cases of whooping cough, or pertussis, have tripled since last year. A Providence Swedish pediatrician has guidance for protecting your family.
En Providence Swedish, brindamos la mejor atención para niños de todas las edades
KING 5 de Seattle recibió a algunos de nuestros especialistas pediátricos, quienes hablaron sobre la atención de clase mundial que brindamos a niños. Vea estos breves videos.
Don't scratch that! Tips for managing summer's bug bites
A Providence Swedish expert offers advice for identifying bites and when to seek medical attention.
Vaccinations help your kids stay healthy now and in the future
Watch video: Vaccines and boosters help kids thrive. A Swedish pediatric expert explains.
Vaccinations aren't just for kids. Protect your health at every age.
Your care team can help you decide which immunizations are right for you and when to get them.
H 2 Oh man it’s hot! Tips for staying safe when you're outdoors in high temps.
Watch video. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of heat illness. If you're enjoying a last-minute summer jaunt to a warm climate, be sure to drink up.
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