
Tips and advice for how to live your healthiest everyday

  • Pointers to help you kickstart (or restart) your workout

    Pointers to help you kickstart (or restart) your workout

    Watch video: A Swedish physical therapist has advice to help you start a sustainable exercise routine.

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  • Achieve your fitness goals with these tips from an Ultimate Frisbee pro

    Achieve your fitness goals with these tips from an Ultimate Frisbee pro

    Kaitlynne "Bunz" Roling, from the Swedish-sponsored Seattle Tempest, shares how she prioritizes and maintains her health.

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  • Raising your child on a vegan diet

    Raising your child on a vegan diet

    Is a vegan diet right for your children? A nutrition expert at Swedish shares tips to help make plant-based eating a positive experience for the entire family.

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  • Get the scoop on your poop and what it says about your health

    Get the scoop on your poop and what it says about your health

    A Swedish gastroenterologist offers guidance on ways to improve your digestive health and overall wellbeing.

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  • Going vegan without going crazy

    Going vegan without going crazy

    Going vegan? A registered dietitian at Swedish answers common questions and explains the benefits and risks of removing animal products from your diet.

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  • Swedish Weight Loss Services helps a patient lose over 80 pounds and regain her joy

    Swedish Weight Loss Services helps a patient lose over 80 pounds and regain her joy

    Swedish Health patient Annie Smith lost more than 80 pounds thanks to sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Her only regret is not having the procedure sooner.

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  • “I feel like I can enjoy my life again.”

    “I feel like I can enjoy my life again.”

    At 285 pounds, Lindsey Washington had poor health and low self-esteem. Bariatric surgery at Swedish Health helped her take control and lose weight.

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  • The breakdown about osteoporosis and bone density testing

    The breakdown about osteoporosis and bone density testing

    Don’t let a broken bone fracture your life. An expert at Swedish explains why bone density testing is vital to bone health and preventing osteoporosis.

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  • Magnesium magic: myth or reality?

    Magnesium magic: myth or reality?

    Online influencers say the mineral cures everything from gut issues to ADHD. A Swedish expert weighs in on the claims from Tik Tok docs.

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  • The best time to find a primary care practitioner is when you don’t need one

    The best time to find a primary care practitioner is when you don’t need one

    Establishing a relationship before it's urgent helps ensure personalized care and more options for visits.

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  • How to brave the winter — and seasonal affective disorder

    How to brave the winter — and seasonal affective disorder

    Seasonal affective disorder may leave you feeling down all winter long. But with advice from a Swedish expert, you can get your energy back.

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  • New year, new-trition. Get 2024 off to a healthy start.

    New year, new-trition. Get 2024 off to a healthy start.

    A registered dietitian at Swedish answers common questions about vitamins and dietary supplements to help you get your year off to a “newtritious” start.

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  • Start or restart your fitness journey in 2024

    Start or restart your fitness journey in 2024

    Two sports medicine experts at Swedish Spine, Sports and Musculoskeletal Medicine share their top tips to help you start or resume your fitness journey.

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  • The connection between food and diabetes

    The connection between food and diabetes

    Your food choices over time can impact your risk for Type 2 diabetes. A Swedish expert explains the connection between food and diabetes.

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  • Watch video: Move a muscle, change a thought

    Watch video: Move a muscle, change a thought

    A Swedish expert explains how different physical activities can affect our emotions and moods.

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  • Watch video: Need a mindset reset? Connect with gratitude.

    Watch video: Need a mindset reset? Connect with gratitude.

    Taking a moment to express thanks for what's meaningful in your life can build connection and soothe an anxious mind.

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  • For more healthful holiday eating, awareness is key

    For more healthful holiday eating, awareness is key

    We know making good food and drink choices at holiday meals and events takes work. But you can still enjoy the season without totally blowing your diet.

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  • Healthy romantic relationships may lead to a healthier life

    Healthy romantic relationships may lead to a healthier life

    A psychotherapist from Swedish answers common relationship questions and offers tips to improve communication and argue effectively.

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  • Want to add years to your life? Turn off your television and take a walk

    Want to add years to your life? Turn off your television and take a walk

    A Swedish rehabilitation medicine expert explains the importance of regular movement in maintaining good health.

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  • Thinking about a marathon? Start here.

    Thinking about a marathon? Start here.

    Running can be a great way to improve your health in body, mind and spirit. Find out how to train safely and reach your most ambitious running goals.

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