Healing Music Playlist | On-demand healing music at your fingertips!

November 6, 2019 Betsy Hartman, Music Therapist-Board Certified (MT-BC)

You may have heard that music can help manage anxiety and stress, boost your mood, or promote sleep. It’s likely that you have experienced some of the benefits of music in your daily life.


How can you engage music to support your specific needs? Try creating a healing music playlist.


People often ask, “What is the best music to help with _______?”. The truth is, there is no “best music”. While evidence does show that certain types of music support specific therapeutic goals; it’s really how and when you use music that matters.  


Create a Healing Music Playlist:

  • GOAL: Identify your therapeutic goal: reduce anxiety, improve sleep, boost mood, etc.
  • MUSIC: Select music to reach your goal: upbeat, slow tempo, lyrical, instrumental, etc.
  • PLAYLIST: Create a personalized playlist – “help me sleep” or “boost my mood”
  • LISTEN: Listen to the playlist you need, when you need it.


At SCI our music therapist will walk along side of you as you discover how music can support your unique therapeutic goals.  To learn more about SCI’s Music Therapy program or to schedule a FREE session, please contact Betsy Hartman at 206-386-6711 or betsy.hartman@swedish.org.


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