Quiz: Do you exercise better alone or with people?

June 22, 2017 Swedish Blogger

Whether you’re trying to get that summer body, lose weight, or gain muscle, getting fit and healthy is not always an easy task. Take this quiz to find out if you exercise better alone or with other people. Some of your answers to these questions may surprise you.

Question 1: Are you easily distracted?


YES: People who are easily distracted can lose focus when with a group. Exercising alone will help keep your attention on the workout and not on socializing.
NO: People who aren’t easily distracted tend to focus better when with a group. Exercising with a group will keep you accountable and focused on the workout.

Question 2: Do you prefer to be in control?


YES: Being in control can be good. If you have set clear and established fitness goals, then exercising with a group may slow you down.
NO: If you’re easygoing and have difficulty selecting a workout, then exercising with a group may help you stick to a routine.

Question 3: Are you easily intimidated?


YES: Exercising with people can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to a workout or gym. Exercising alone, at least until you get more confident, is a good idea.
NO: When you’re not easily intimidated by others, you’re more likely to try new things and push others in your group to try them as well.

Question 4: Are you self-motivated?


YES: If you’re self-motivated, then you don’t need the accountability of a group to keep up your exercise routine. Like question #2, you know what you want and how to get there!
NO: If you’re not naturally self-motivated, then you need the support of a group to make sure you attend the workouts and keep to your schedule.

Question 5: Are you someone who prefers to exercise at night?


YES: If you have long days at work, nights might be when you can exercise and de-stress from the day. This may also include being alone so you can relax and not feel pressure from other people.
NO: Taking a group exercise class in the morning might be just what you need to wake up your body and feel ready for the day.

Question 6: Are you hoping exercise will reduce your stress?


YES: If reducing stress is your main exercise goal, then exercising alone might be the option for you, since it will give you time to think about and process your day.
NO: If your exercise goal is to lose weight or get fit, and you're not usually stressed out, then exercising with other people will still be stress-free.

Question 7: Does your schedule change daily?


YES: Exercising alone gives you the flexibility to exercise whenever it best fits your schedule.
NO: Because you have a set daily routine, exercising with people is the best option for you. It’s easier to sign up for classes and it gives you the consistency you need in your day to work out.

Question 8: Are you an introvert?


YES: The more introverted you are, the more likely you’ll want to exercise alone. Being around people can be exhausting - no need to deplete your energy before you even start to work out.
NO: If you're more extroverted, you're likely to prefer exercising with a group. The social environment will keep you energized.

Question 9: Are you more likely to prefer individual sports, such as swimming or running?


YES: Individual activities, such as swimming, biking or running, help keep you focused, and there is less pressure to perform.
NO: You choose team sports because the environment pushes you to work harder and keeps you motivated.

Question 10: Are you on a tight budget?


YES: Exercising alone may be the best option if you’re on a budget. Individual activities, such as running or swimming, typically require little to no cost, keeping your workout very budget-friendly.
NO: If you have enough money to join a gym or perhaps take a CrossFit class, then exercising with a group could be a great option for you.

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