– Mary Stevens-Zarich, art therapy participant & patient at the Swedish Cancer Institute
The Swedish Cancer Institute offers a variety of Supportive Care Services for patients, families, and caregivers to enhance and individualize your care. We want to meet your needs at every step along the way. One of the many services we offer is art therapy.
Mary says, “For the past two years, a weekly session with Nicole Stiver has been central to my healing emotionally, and by extension, physically, from a difficult treatment and (statistically) grim prognosis. That experience was shattering, but it gave me the opportunity to become stronger and more alive by exploring the places that had limited my life up until then.”
Patients utilize this complimentary service that offers an outlet for the expression of emotions to enhance relaxation, reduce side effects, and increase self-awareness and positive coping skills. You do not need any artistic training or experience to schedule a session.
If you’d like to learn more about art therapy or schedule an appointment, please call (206) 215-6178.