Creative writing program for people living with MS offers virtual connection and expression

April 12, 2021 Swedish Neuroscience Team

Finding Your Own Voice in Writing, a monthly creative writing program at the Swedish MS Center, was scheduled to start in March 2020, the same time social distancing restrictions began in the Seattle area.

One of many free wellness programs offered by Swedish for people living with or connected to multiple sclerosis, this class had to quickly convert an in-person program with live feedback, peer reviews, and guided instruction to a completely virtual class using unfamiliar software for brand-new students.

Change Course

Instructors Richard and Evelyn Arvey were up to the task. Richard, an experienced university-level teacher and editor with an MA in English, and Evelyn, a published author, were quick to adapt the class for Zoom collaboration. Through creative and clear class structure, thoughtful homework assignments, and peer feedback via Zoom breakout rooms, this program has flourished as a source of connection and self-expression during an increasingly isolating time.

Virtual Community

Finding your Voice is my new community. A shared sense of trust, respect, and genuine support for each other has deepened over time,” says participant Lucinda Hauser. “Using laughter, probing questions, and, of course, constructive criticism, we analyze each other’s writings and learn about each other. I love our group and value our time together. It is a gift that allows me a break mentally from a progressive disease that continues to take so much from me physically.”

Now, a year after this program began, the students and instructors are challenging themselves and each other to work on longer and more creative essays, some of which will eventually become a published book of short works from all the students.

Says participant Katie Yusuf, “MS makes it difficult for me to unblock my thoughts at times and untangle my words, but learning to write has given me a new way to communicate. It allows me to not only tap into the creative recesses of my mind but also share a part of me in my stories.”

Read monthly featured stories from the Finding Your Own Voice in Writing Program here.

Click here for more information about the Swedish MS Center, and other virtual wellness programs. Swedish MS Center Wellness programs are free and open to anyone living with multiple sclerosis.


Find a doctor

Whether you require an in-person visit or want to consult with a doctor virtually, you have options. Swedish Virtual Care connects you face-to-face with a nurse practitioner who can review your symptoms, provide instruction and follow-up as needed. If you need to find a doctor, you can use our provider directory.

Swedish remains committed to the safety of our patients, caregivers and the community at large. In response to the recent surge in COVID-19 infections throughout the Puget Sound, Swedish is taking extra precautions in safeguarding patients and caregivers from risk of infection by restricting our regular visitor policy until further notice.

Related resources

Coping with MS as a newly diagnosed young adult

Living with multiple sclerosis

Signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Center serves a region in need















About the Author

From deep brain stimulation to focused ultrasound to pediatric neurology, The Swedish Neuroscience Team is recognized as national experts to help people address a wide array of neurological conditions. Our goal is to provide useful and helpful advice and tips on non-surgical and surgical options to treat any disease of the mind.

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