Susan G. Komen Puget Sound Northwest Metastatic Breast Cancer Conference

August 30, 2017 Swedish Blogger

Komen Puget Sound has been working with the metastatic breast cancer community to identify opportunities for support, engagement and education. Last year, it helped to organize the first annual conference for individuals living with metastatic disease in the Northwest. In 2017, it will build on the success of the initial conference and expand its reach, based on the feedback that was received via conference evaluation and input from the community.

Guided by the Metastatic Breast Cancer Committee, which is made-up of researchers, providers and patients, this event recognizes the distinct experience of the metastatic breast cancer patients and is tailored to fit their needs and areas of interest. Specifically, conference attendees discuss treatment breakthroughs, ongoing clinical trials, quality of life issues and patient advocacy. This year, the conference will also be hosting a half-day pre-event meeting that will be open to all breast cancer patients who are interested in learning more about integrative medicine.

The conference will:

  • Describe cutting-edge research, new treatment options and the latest breakthroughs in science that impact metastatic breast cancer.
  • Identify local clinical trial opportunities, discuss the role of metastatic patients in the R&D process and learn how to evaluate whether to enter a study.
  • Understand patient perspectives and the importance of a patient-centered research agenda, provide information and education on evidenced-based quality of life interventions, and create a forum for metastatic patients to gain valuable advocacy skills to influence relevant decision-makers.
  • Focus specifically on the role and impact integrative medicine can have on metastatic disease outcomes.
  • Give patients the tools they need to make informed decisions about their treatment.

This conference is designed for individuals living with metastatic breast cancer, their caregivers and their providers. In addition, it seeks to bring together diverse perspectives that influence the lives of metastatic patients, including breast cancer survivors, researchers, providers, insurers and policymakers.

Conference date: September 22-23, 2017

More information

This article is from the Fall 2017 issue of Life to the Fullest, the newsletter from the Swedish Cancer Institute (SCI) dedicated to those with cancer, cancer survivors, and their family members and caregivers.

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