Tie blankets for patients - DIY project

August 26, 2018 Swedish Blogger

Oncology appointments can, at times, take up a long portion of your day. Do-it-yourself projects, such as tie blankets, may help pass the time while waiting for appointments or recovering from treatment. Tie blankets also make a wonderful comfort gift for any patient during their cancer journey.

Tie blanket instructions

Materials needed

  • Scissors (if available, fabric scissors make cutting easiest)
  • 2 pieces of same-sized fabric 
Size: 4 ft. x 5 ft. (can be adjusted to desired size) 
Recommended types of fabric: 
  • Fleece 
  • Flannel 
Note: Feel free to mix and match types of fabric based on preference and comfort. 


  1. Match fabrics: Line up two pieces of fabric against each other. Make sure to have desired sides of materials facing outward and undesired sides lay against each other. 
  2. Cut corners: Cut out 3 x 3-inch squares from each corner of the blanket’s fabric. Note: This prevents fabric from bunching
  3. Create fringe: Begin by cutting 3-inch long strips of fabric every 1-1.5 inches apart along one side of the blanket. 
  4. Tie together: Once you have cut the length of one side of the blanket, begin to tie each fringe into a doubleknot along the length of the blanket. 
  5. Repeat: Continue with steps 3 and 4 on each side of the blanket until all four sides of the blanket have been tied together.
If you are having difficulties beginning your tie blanket, step-by-step instructions and videos are available on the internet. These resources can help you to gain a better idea of how to begin your project.

Tie Blanket Alter-KNIT-ives

Finding a space to relax and pass the time between appointments and treatment may be difficult. At the Swedish Cancer Institute (SCI), we have creative expressions groups for patients to do just that. 

SCI hosts Knit for Life, a network of volunteers who foster knitting as a therapeutic practice for cancer patients, their family members and caregivers during treatment and recovery. The group cultivates a warm, welcoming atmosphere for beginner and expert knitters. Knitters joining from all backgrounds can find all the necessary supplies to begin their next knitting project.

Knit for Life meets every week at:

  • Swedish Edmonds – Medical Oncology Building 1st Floor Lobby, Thursdays, 10 a.m.-noon
  • Swedish First Hill – 5th Floor Healing Forum, Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to noon
  • Swedish First Hill – 1st Floor Lobby, Thursdays, 1-3 p.m.
  • Swedish Issaquah – Main Lobby in front of the fireplace, Mondays, 1-3 p.m.


If you would like to make a donation of tie blankets, port pillows, hats or other patient-centered items to any of our network locations, please contact the First Hill Cancer Education Center.


First Hill Cancer Education Center Arnold Building,
1221 Madison St., A-Floor West 
Seattle, WA 98104

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
If you have any questions please contact the Cancer Education Center at 206-386-3200.

This article is from the Fall 2018 issue of Life to the Fullest, the newsletter from the Swedish Cancer Institute dedicated to those with cancer, cancer survivors, and their family members and caregivers.

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