Watch video: Move a muscle, change a thought

In this article: 

  • Moving our bodies can influence our emotions. 
  • Different types of movement can help alleviate feelings of sadness or anxiety. 
  • In this short video, a Providence Swedish behavioral health expert explains a little bit of the science behind how moving our muscles can help change our thoughts.

Most of us have been in the place where we've felt so tired or down that we don't want to move. We feel weighted by our emotions and without the energy to go anywhere or do anything. During those times, our mind is having an impact on our bodies. One way we can help alleviate difficult feelings or challenging emotions is through movement. 

"There's a connection between your brain and your body that's a two-way street," explains Kelsey Smith, MBA, LICSW, senior director of care management and behavioral health at Providence Swedish. "Changing your movement can change your brain, and health is our greatest wealth, so let's start moving."

In this short video, Kelsey explains how different kinds of movement affect our nervous system and why physical activity is essential to our mental health and well-being. 

Learn more and find a provider

If you have questions about behavioral health services or would like to schedule an appointment, contact Swedish Behavioral Health. Whether you require an in-person visit or want to consult a doctor virtually, you have options.

Swedish Virtual Care connects you face-to-face with a nurse practitioner who can review your symptoms, provide instruction, and follow up as needed. If you need to find a provider, you can use our provider directory.

Join our Patient and Family Advisory Council.

Additional resources

Watch video: Sing a little song to help quiet jangly nerves

Watch video: Feeling extreme stress? Try the diver's reflex.

Integrated approach targets both physical and mental health | The Seattle Times

Providence Swedish experts in the media

This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your health care professional’s instructions.

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About the Author

Whether it's stress, anxiety, dementia, addiction or any number of life events that impede our ability to function, mental health is a topic that impacts nearly everyone. The Swedish Behavioral Health Team is committed to offering every-day tips and clinical advice to help you and your loved ones navigate mental health conditions.

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