Recognizing ALS Awareness Month

May 17, 2016 Swedish Blogger

You may remember the Ice Bucket Challenge that swept social media a few years ago.  It brought a wave of attention to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as ALS or Lou Gerhig’s Disease.

May is ALS Awareness Month and while the ice bucket challenge may not be prominent on your Facebook feed, we strive to bring attention to this disease every day. This year, Swedish opened the ALS Center at the Swedish Neuroscience Institute.

We take a multidisciplinary approach to ALS treatment. That means that in addition to receiving care from their physician, our patients receive physical, occupational and speech therapy, nutrition, social work services and much more.

In addition, we partner with the Evergreen Chapter of the ALS Association for support groups and events. Please join us in recognizing ALS Awareness Month.

If you have questions about ALS or treatment for the disease, call 206-386-3880 to schedule a consultation. 

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